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Our Services

The one stop shop
for all your language needs

Translation & Language services

STAR’s global organization is built around satisfying our customers’ needs to create, translate and distribute information in any language, in any medium, and at any time.

Our services are supported by a technological infrastructure of networks, standard software packages, and our own tools. We constantly strive to optimize the interaction between our employees and our tools, to empower our workforce and ensure the quality of our service.

While offering very competitive prices we do not make tradeoffs in quality for lower cost. Our carefully selected translators, led by experienced project managers, are exclusively native speakers of their target languages, with excellent command of their mother tongue and in-depth knowledge of their respective areas of translation.

Technical translations, websites, software localization, marketing materials. 

Multi-lingual proofreading services
for all types of documents and files

Multi-lingual layout and design, delivering ready for print PDF’s in all languages.

Simultaneous-, consecutive-, andvphone interpretations. 


& Subtitling

Delivering your audio and video content
in multiple languages.
Providing high quality, state-of-the-art
printing solutions.


& Subtitling



When you need translation services, STAR has the expertise and knowledge to deliver the quality you expect.

In today’s society the most successful businesses are those who have a global strategy. Translation services often form a key part of this strategy. Regardless of your industry, product or company focus, communication is key. In an increasingly globalised world, having your information in your customer’s language makes solid business sense.

Our global network of offices works in partnership with you to deliver translation services that support your international information strategy, helping you to achieve optimum growth.

What can you expect when you choose translation services from STAR?

For every translation that we complete, we offer you:

  • A single project manager to act as a unique point of contact
  • Qualified translators working in their native language
  • Specialist knowledge of your industry
  • Separate translation and review steps
  • Translation memory storage for use in future projects
  • Terminology management
  • Quality assurance checks

Do we work in your industry?

Whatever your industry, STAR is your partner for global communication, be it a press release for luxury items, user manuals and technical sheets for your products, or even contracts and internal business documentation. Using our extensive network of in-house translators and trusted external suppliers, over 1500 businesses know that they can count on STAR to deliver a reliable translation service.

Translation memory – Transit NXT

Transit NXT is STAR’s proprietary, industry leading translation software. Translation Memory, in simple terms, remembers everything we have previously translated for you.

To prepare a document for translation, such as a catalog containing text and images, we ‘import’ the file into Transit. During this process, the text is separated from the layout and divided into text segments, providing the translator with a clear work interface. After the translation is finished the text is ‘exported’ again and automatically merged with the original layout. 

Transit uses the newly translated text segments to create an ever growing database with previously translated material and a specific dictionary for each customer. When translating a new document, Transit will assist the translator by suggesting matching phrases from previous translations. If new text segments match already translated segments, Transit will automatically replace those.

What are the benefits?

Faster Translations! No text is translated twice. In addition to using previously translated reference material, Transit also constantly searches the remaining text for identical segments during the translation, and automatically replaces those.

Consistency and Quality! By using reference material and a customer specific dictionary, Transit ensures that phrases and terminology within any new or updated document remain consistent with previously translated text. 

Lower translation cost! Handling of previously translated terms is charged at a lower rate. Through automatically inserting the translated text back into its original layout, you also significantly save on layout costs.

What file formats can we handle?

We use Transit NXT to work with all of the main source document types such as MS Office, Adobe InDesign, Adobe FrameMaker, Quark, HTML and XML. Custom file formats for translation services are no problem, contact us now to discuss your specific project requirements.



Delivering your communication in pristine quality

Your published material is your way of communicating your brand to the world – don’t waste the opportunity. Sloppy spelling or punctuation errors can negatively impact your customer’s perception of your company. Communication should be clear, concise and most importantly, convincing! STAR has experience in working with source documentation before translation or publication to make sure that your text is the best it can be.

What will we be checking for?

In short, our proofreading services can check specifically for any issue that you list. We want you to be sure that the material you publish is of the highest quality, so we act as your second pair of eyes to spot the things you may have missed. We will be checking for:

  • Terminology consistency
  • Accuracy
  • Writing style
  • Clarity of instructions
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation

What kind of documents can we check?

Proofreading services may be needed for a variety of different documents, any document that will be published may require a second pair of eyes to check for oversights. Proofreading adds the most value to technical documentation – ensuring that terminology is used consistently and instructions are clear – but it is also beneficial to marketing texts where the text needs to make an impact on the consumer.

Multi-lingual Desktop Publishing (DTP)

Multi-lingual Desktop Publishing (DTP)

Delivering brilliant, ready to print publications

Have your documents and publications translated into 70 languages. Since no two languages are alike, the translated layout will always differ from the original source document.

Our multilingual desktop publishing teams can finalize and update your layout after translation, delivering ready for print PDFs for every language.

Technical know-how

Our teams work with the leading Desktop publishing systems, we have the technical know-how to help you get the best results.

  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Frame maker
  • Microsoft Office 

We work in many formats and languages

We can translate Arabic and Hebrew, delivering your right to left languages, handle Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages and fonts — all alongside your European languages too. So, whether you’re working with InDesign in Chinese or Middle East languages, we can help you deliver pristine quality documents ready-to-go.



Connecting with your audience

Communication is a complex matter and there are many instances in which there is no substitution for having an interpreter physically present. With our interpretation services we help companies from around the world to communicate in their local markets, from one-to-one conversations  to large conferences.  

Interpretation services for all your business needs

We offer the whole range of interpretation services to cover every occasion. 

  • Simultaneous interpretation
  • Consecutive interpretation 
  • Phone interpretations

Experienced professionals

Our interpreters are experienced professionals with not only superb language skills but also great interpersonal skills, trained to bridge cross-cultural gaps to bring people together.

Voice-over / Subtitling

Voice-over / Subtitling

Make a global impact with your next marketing video 

Over recent years, the use of video materials as a marketing and educational tool has increased at exponential rates. Your website has videos that you want to roll this out to other markets? The creation of multilingual subtitles is a key step for the success of your video marketing and communication.

Now with STAR you can deliver your website’s video and audio content into any language and literally speak to your customers in their own language. The next time you have a keynote speech, product demonstration, or promotional video, you can deliver your presentation in multiple languages.

How does the process work?

STAR uses a network of subtitling and voice-recording partners to ensure that the process is simple and pain-free. Working from a video file, we create caption and subtitle files, translate to your chosen languages, provide text for customer approval and can create the final multilingual videos for you to upload. Your multilingual subtitles/voice-over project is managed by an experienced team member who deals with the technical side of things on your behalf.

We tailor you message for a specific region

When expanding into a new market, or even creating videos for a market in which you are already selling, tailored communication is the secret to success. Your subtitles/voice-overs should be a reflection of that market, using the correct terminology for your industry and the correct phrasing for that geographical region. STAR has a global network of offices staffed with experienced translators who can bring your vision to life and advise you on the best translations for your videos.



Making a mark, on every type of print media.

To offer a complete, integrated service for the complex process of product documentation, STAR takes care of every stage, including the most tangible one, printing. We have long-standing cooperations with established printing companies offering professional solutions with a high level of technical quality that are flexible and open to customization.

Our focus is on the quality of the end product in everything that we do, but also on scrupulous satisfaction of requirements and reduction of waste.

Printing as an integrated process

STAR can handle every stage of your printing process, providing a high-tech on-demand service that integrates state-of-the-art printing solutions.

  • Design & layout
  • Large- and small scale print
  • Binding
  • Packaging
  • Shipping

Logistics and customization,  handled with care

We cover the production process from creation to packing in a single workflow that maximizes results, reduces times to a minimum and ensures extremely high standards. For a timely and effective service.