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Our Software

information management, language technologies


STAR software products were created as solutions to meet the particular needs of our clients. Repetitive or routine tasks are handled by the tools, allowing the user to focus on other work.

The STAR range of software products guarantees high-quality documentation, from the creation of the original document to its translation, terminology management, proofreading and graphic design, right through to project management, administration, and the publishing of documents in electronic and printed media. Each product is available as a standalone solution but can also be integrated with existing systems and other STAR tools.


Never translate twice

Transit NXT is a translation memory tool that helps users re-use their existing translations to deliver efficiency savings and more consistent texts. Transit NXT provides a simple user interface and a range of enhanced features that all improve translation quality and efficiency. Its use of fuzzy logic to suggest matches means that the translator is able to focus on creating new translations rather than cross-referencing existing matches.


effective terminology management

TermStar NXT is a terminology tool that integrates seamlessly with Transit NXT to ensure that your approved customer terminology is available to your translation provider. Create, maintain and share your terminology with all teams in an easy-to-use tool and improve the consistency of your global communication.


corporate language management

STAR CLM reduces administrative duties and leaves personnel free to focus on those tasks where they can excel, relieving them of manual, routine tasks. The system delivers process transparency and security through a network of browser-based portals and interfaces to link your workflows to existing systems. Simply upload a file for translation and select your customized workflow, the system takes care of the rest and automates the routine and repetitive tasks, saving you time and money.


global realtime information processing system

GRIPS is a complete and easy-to-use information management system, which supports your entire information processing cycle, from technical writing to publication. Storing information in XML/SGML format, it is structured so that documentation can be produced and updated with less effort. Existing content is automatically re-used across all languages, regardless of the end format. Your technical writers need only focus on the new or changed content, delivering up to 60% efficiency savings.


terminology worldwide

WebTerm is the perfect solution for validating terminology databases, as it gives you the power to manage and update your terminology worldwide. Teams across the globe can communicate their views on terminology and make changes to existing term lists, making the process faster, cheaper and more efficient. Changes to your terminology are made available instantly all around the world.


data quality

FormatChecker is a tool for use in MS Word and Adobe FrameMaker that checks formatting during content creation. Even small differences in punctuation, line breaks and spacing can have an impact on pretranslation; affecting overall translation and DTP costs. FormatChecker indicates error locations with descriptions and can also provide advice and explanations about further optimisation.

CLM WebEdit

Online translation reviewing

CLM WebEdit is a browser-based tool that allows for online translation review. Particularly useful for in-country review, your proofreader can make direct changes to translations and simultaneously update translation memory material. Using the synchronised PDF display, editors can check text in context and retain an overview of the whole text.


Corporate machine translation

STAR MT is a statistical machine translation engine that is trained exclusively using your existing text, terminology and translations. Machine translation is becoming an important part of the localisation industry, but many tools use generic engines that do not take into account your company’s communication style and terminology. Machine translation delivers considerable time savings and financial benefits when it comes to standardised technical texts and in cases where only the gist of a text is needed for internal purposes.

MindReader for outlook

E-mail Assistance

E-Mail communication is an important part of daily business for management personnel and employees at all levels of the company. The part of writing e-mails that consumes the most time is searching for the right phrasing and most e-mails contain topics and content that you have already written in exactly the same way or very similarly. When you can quickly and easily re-use what is already available, you avoid having to reinvent the wheel on a daily basis. MindReader is an add-in for Microsoft Outlook that supports your writing process with text suggestions from previously sent e-mails. Using this, you can write e-mails more quickly and more consistently―for communication in the fast lane.


Authoring assistance

MindReader supports your technical writers in their familiar editing environments by providing existing content matches during content creation. Working on the same principles as predictive text and fuzzy logic, this tool supplies previously verified content so that whole sentences or paragraphs can be re-used from existing material, improving consistency and decreasing costs.